Female truckers have an uphill battle, like in most other male-dominated industries. Peers greet them with skepticism. Site managers tell them they don’t belong or treat them differently. Project managers might tolerate them without hiding their inner animosity for the opposite gender. In some cases, they may even hold them to extreme standards more aggressively than their male coworkers. Depending on how a female trucker looks, they get reactions that range from cat calls, identity slurs, sexual harassment, and even abuse. To top it off, the amenities and conveniences their male counterparts have may leave them at a disadvantage, such as the ability to use the restroom with ease, or feeling safe at night, in the dark, in less-than-ideal situations. This doesn’t mean that men always feel safe and that men aren’t subject to similar things, it only highlights the fact the women experience it more.
Despite those challenges, the benefits are extremely high. Women are almost guaranteed fair and equal pay to their male counterparts, due to the nature of the business. They have the freedom to make their own schedule and have the option of taking local or out of state jobs. The autonomy and peace of mind that comes with the role is highly sought after.
What the Data Shows

Women have fewer preventable accidents, they log more miles, and are often more reliable employees. However, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, women make up only 6.7% of industry drivers.
Omnitracs’ data shows that men have higher turnover rates compared to women, making female drivers a more reliable bet for businesses. When it comes to voluntary turnover rates, almost half of men (49%) left positions in the last year, compared to only 35% of women – a 14% difference that could make a large impact on the workforce.
Data also shows that women have fewer preventable accidents and they log more miles. In the last year, women truckers were involved in 2.77 accidents per 100 drivers versus men who were involved in 3.38 accidents per 100 drivers. Women have also had fewer rollovers and rear-end collisions making them safer, and often more reliable employees.
Omnitracs’ data from the last year shows that women averaged 7,995 miles per month versus 7,383 miles logged by men. Data also shows that between October 2016 and May 2017, women averaged more than 7,500 miles per month, a record-breaking average that men have never reached to date. Women being involved in less accidents and logging more miles in week long periods increases the fleets overall efficiency and productivity. While hiring women is a long-term solution to the driver shortage, they also bring greater advantages to businesses and the industry.
Source:Women In Trucking, Why Women are the (Right) answer to the trucking industry’s driver shortag
So, why are there so few women in the industry?
And why do they get such poor treatment if they statistically perform better and are generally better employees?
Gender bias exists all over the world in all industries, and it requires thick skin, resilience, determination, and a passion for the work to survive it. But, this comes as no surprise to women and makes them especially prepared for the trucking industry.
Miguel Lambert, CEO of AggDirect, shares how female truckers are supported.
“There aren’t that many female trucking agencies and drivers around, although I wish there were,” he says, “It’s likely that they resist getting into the industry out of fear of mistreatment.
“All of the trucking companies we partner with have exceptional credentials and they treat their drivers well. We monitor their licenses and review their records before we hire them. Granted, AggDirect is a broker, so we don’t own any of the trucking companies nor do we work for the customers. We supply a service connecting two parties together. Female owned trucking companies, and female drivers get exactly the same benefits as the males do. However, if there is ever a complaint or some form of distress, we report it to the appropriate channels and help them get back on the road.
“We won’t tolerate any form of harassment or abuse from anyone contracted with AggDirect. We do everything we can to make sure both the drivers who do the jobs and the customers who need the jobs feel comfortable and confident in the AggDirect name.”
Are you a female trucker looking to work independently? If so, we’d love to work with you! AggDirect is an Equal Opportunity Employer. We do everything we can to support independent and minority-owned businesses. We will provide jobs to any and all contracted trucking companies with great records and provide resources whenever possible. Register now and give Aggdirect a try.